Alvin Toffler depicted a vision of the future where decentralization occurs due to telecommunications technology. However, that is not what has happened. The significance of telecommunications technology is that it only provides the option of movement, and that option is not always chosen. I have discovered that, when people previously left behind have access to this technology, it results in "disparity elimination," regardless of the choices of each person. This shines a new light on remote management and automation of agriculture. When it became possible to "operate things" via telecommunications technology, this actually enabled not decentralization from large cities, but rather disparity elimination in the form described below. Therefore, we must change our previous conception of disparity elimination. This fact will significantly alter the decentralized vision of the future that people have adhered to since the time of Alvin Toffler.
The true significance of telecommunications technology
However, although the relevant technology has developed since then, the reality is that the predicted trend has almost completely failed to occur.
【Fig. 1】
【Fig. 2】
A new way of conceiving disparity elimination
This is a completely new way of conceiving the situation, where one regards the condition of having gained an option as a state of disparity elimination. (Concept of disparity elimination as a state)
【Fig. 3】
Revision of Alvin Toffler's vision of the future
May 1, 2019
Tokyo, Japan
Transitions in centralization/decentralization
(Note added on August 3, 2019)
This is a decentralized society focused on primary industry.
Commercial cities form at key transportation hubs. This form is seen in the initial stage of capitalism, etc.
This is the modern stage. With the growth and centralization of the industrial population, and the development of service industries, metropolises appear. On the other hand, industries that cannot be moved remain decentralized in agricultural areas.
Viewed in this way, it is possible to define the new form we have just discussed as the fourth stage of centralization/decentralization.
This is a form where the people previously left behind in decentralization also gain the option of centralizing in core cities, and, as explained above, there is a mixture of those who centralize, and those who remain due to their own volition.
At a glance, there appears to be no major change from the present. However, there is a major difference in that this is a state where disparities have been eliminated.
This is the form of society that becomes possible when we can operate things with telecommunications technology.
It should be evident that this is a major departure from Alvin Toffler's vision of the future.